An old friend with whom I need to become reacquainted

Monday, September 28, 2009

10 weeks today

Taking a month off of pole has extended a bit... I still haven't been back, and my wrist is giving me grief. The doctor said it took him 10 weeks to heal. Today, it has been 10 weeks. That's kind of disappointing to realize.

Rather than focusing on what I cannot do, I need to focus on what I CAN running, jogging, walking, aerobic exercise, and bowling left-handed. :) Patrick and I are both very sick of our inner tubes that wrap around our waists.

Monday, August 3, 2009

healing well

I had my follow-up appointment this morning for my fractured elbow. The doctor says I'm healing quite nicely and may even be able to play softball at the end of the month. I just have to manage my level of activity and how much pain I am in, and it's up to me. :) Good news, I think!!

I think I might take an official month off of pole, though. I can't imagine that putting the strain of my body weight, gravity, and momentum on my elbow would feel very good.

The bad news of the day...I'm back at 171. Yikes. How does this happen?!?! Okay, I know the answer to that question.

135...I'll see you again someday...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Well shoot...

Well, folks, it's official.

I have a radial head fracture in my right elbow.


I have to take it easy for another week, then take it easy for another 4 weeks until it heals. My arm is in a sling most of the time, and I am on ibuprofen and ice throughout the day. Why, oh why didn't I put ice on it last week? It feels sooooo good!

I missed the game last night, and our last game is next Monday. I'm hoping to be able to play the fall season that starts the end of August. We'll see how I'm feeling.

I might try a pole class relying solely on my left arm next week. :) I should go jogging in the meantime.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

battle wounds!!!

I had an interesting softball game on Monday. It was a really competitive game, and it was certainly coming up to the last inning for one of the teams to take the victory.

So, I was up to bat. I can't remember how many outs we had. I'll say we had two outs; that makes the story sound a little more heroic. :)

I hit the ball toward short stop, not a strong hit, really. So I ran HARD, as hard as I could. Is I got to first base, I knew the ball was coming, that it was going to be very very close. So I pushed harder. And collided with the first baseman.

I swear I hit a brick wall. Spectators said I rolled twice. I don't remember. I just remember thinking, mid-air, "fall like a pro, Alison...tuck and roll!" Yet I still braced my fall with my right wrist, then I hit the ground hard on my right side, mostly the elbow, and somewhere along the way hit my left knee and left quad. There's a little scratch on my right knee too.

When I stopped rolling around, I was on my knees, and my right arm hurt, bad. I bent down and tears started coming out of my eyes. One of the guys on my team rushed over and asked me if I was okay. I think I said no, or that I wasn't sure. So, I walked over to the base and started crying some more. My mouth was full of rocks and dirt, crunching into my teeth as I chewed on the gum I had in my mouth.

The same guy asked if I wanted someone to run for me, and we only had 5 girls there, so there wasn't really the room to have someone else run in my place. I rinsed my mouth out and stayed at first base, ready to run. It sucked.

I actually made it in to score, then got up to bat one more time before the inning was over. My right arm wouldn't bend enough and hurt so bad that I had to just hold it up with my left hand gripping the bat. I swung through the ball using mostly my left arm and whatever momentum I could muster. I don't even remember if I got on base, but it was a surprisingly decent hit.

We were back on the field, the end of the inning and the end of the game. I was so pissed about my arm hurting and not knowing how bad it was, I kept sporadically tearing up. None of the balls were hit or thrown to me, which was a very good thing. While standing in position at second base, I tried to do the arm motion of throwing a ball, though there was no ball in my hand. When I extended my arm at the point where I would release a ball, my elbow popped and hurt intensely.

The game ended. We won. :) I lost. Haha!

Two days later, my arm still hurts like crazy. It won't extend or bend all the way. It aches and holding it in a position that won't hurt is making my bicep and tricep muscles ache and my shoulder sore. And something is wrong with my wrist. When I rub my fingers over the bone, it sends an electric shock down my hand, into my pointer finger. It feels like there's swelling at/on the bone, so I hope it's not broken or cracked or something.

I can't lift anything. I can't do my hair, put makeup on, eat, brush my teeth, wipe my ass, or scratch my face with my right hand. All of this is left-handed, which is a little awkward! Washing my hair was a huge pain in the ass.

I got my shift at work today covered, and I really need my arm to feel good enough that I can work Friday and Saturday. I can't afford to be unable to work.

All I can say is:

Thank goodness I wasn't out.


Thank goodness we won the game.

I would have been upset to eat dirt for nothing.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Fitness Magazine Online

I love my subscription to the Fitness Magazine. I'll be honest, though; I usually read the articles and then forget all about it. Fortunately, they send emails, too. :) I gave my sister a gift subscription, and she loves following their work out plans and suggested I give one/them a try. So, here's what's on the latest email. I need to find my printer cable so I can put up a reminder of whichever workout I decide to use!

Fitness Magazine Online

Shared via AddThis

(I thought it would actually post a clip of the regular post I read, or at least bullet point the work outs, so click on the link to see more info.)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Wait for it...Wait for it...

I didn't go to my pole class tonight. I have a few excuses up my sleeve, but excuses are like butt holes. Everyone has them, and they all stink. :)

My next scheduled class is Tuesday morning. My goal is to get my ass out of bed and make it to the class. I need to be smart about paying $116 a month to work out.

Softball tomorrow night...let's see if I can stay at #1 batting average this week. :) Seriously, this surprises the crap out of me. I was one of the weakest batters in fast pitch softball during my high school years. I guess I just need more time to swing.


I can apply that to a lot of things in my life...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I do

Okay, I need to step up the commitment.

My weight loss over the last 7 weeks has been due to the unknown. Well, at first the pole classes were helping out, but for the last 3 weeks, I haven't been to a pole class. So I'm not sure why I've lost weight. I don't think my eating habits have changed at all.

I'm going to quit being a weenie and get back to 4 pole classes a week plus my softball games on Mondays...starting with the hardest of all of my pole classes that is tomorrow night. Diana is ruthless. I'm crossing my fingers that she doesn't bring up superman push-ups. Uck.

I will make good choices when we go grocery shopping for next week. Patrick can eat what he's going to eat. I need to bring more veggies to the table. And somehow Diet Coke snuck into my diet. How dumb is that? No more bubbly drinks. Or nasty chemicals. :)

The next several weight updates need to be grounded, solid, and earned.

****P.S. I'm #1 of the women in our co-ed league for batting average! How freaking awesome is that?!?!****

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Slowly creeping down...

...the scale, that is. :)

I've been losing 1 lb a week for the last 2-3 weeks. I attribute this to pole classes and lots of stress. Hopefully the stress is being better managed (time will tell), and hopefully that doesn't result in weight gain. I'm weird - sometimes when I'm stressed and depressed, I'm a huge eater. And on the other hand, sometimes I totally lose my appetite. So, it's hard to predict what's going to happen.

I haven't been to pole classes for about a week, though. Too much crap going on in life. I'm planning on going to the Cardio Cabaret class tomorrow morning. That class always kicks my butt.

Brandi, you totally make me want to get out and start running. I'd be freaking excited to do a 5K! (and not die) Yet, I just can't find enough desire to put on my running shoes and go outside! There's even a perfect park to run around right by me. What helps people to make the initial jump (or first stride, if you will) into running??

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Week 3

The scale says I'm at 170. I feel like some muscles are being awakened, though, so I'm okay with that. I need to make an effort to do cardio at home a few times each week to pump up the fat burning.

Also, my period started, and I'm sure I'm retaining water. I feel bloated, and I was the biggest wench at work today. I just wanted to lay in a bathtub and ignore the world. I think that is a perfectly reasonable request.

I did Intro to Pole today. It was basically like the Teaser party I went to a few weeks ago with Alice. Tomorrow morning I'm going to the Cardio Cabaret Class. I'm excited for a great workout. I really like the teacher of this class (same teacher for my Tuesday morning class, too). She's such a great dancer and seriously keeps us moving. It's great.

Here's a video of the artistic pole dancing Dutch nationals:

I think this is a great example of pole dancing as a sport, not a source of income for strippers. :) The athletic aspect of it is so challenging, and I'm excited to be part of it.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pole Rocks!


I just want to smile at how incredibly sore I am.

Last week I did 3 pole classes at Studio Soiree. This week I will do 4 (2 are already done!), and I plan to do 4 classes a week for the next few weeks, then I'll bump it up to 5. It's pretty obvious to me that I need to strengthen my core and my upper body. Occasionally I surprise myself with upper body and core strength, but I have ZERO endurance! It's going to be a fun transformation for me to watch and experience. I'm soooo happy Alice invited me to the teaser class. I think I have found a new love.

And I'm down 1lb, weighing in again tomorrow...

Sorry folks, there won't be any pictures for least of me on the pole. haha!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Another DAMN and then a Hoo-Rah!! (is that how you would spell it?)

I'm back from Phoenix!
I am officially a college graduate!
I now have some free time!
And I'm going to lose weight!

I think with the stress of finishing the semester and a week of traveling and eating way too much crap, the weight crept on all too easily. I can't believe it, but I'm actually back up to 170. That is sad. SAD!

I haven't developed a full fitness/health plan yet, but I do have a few things in mind:

Get a membership to Studio Soiree and go 3-5 times a week to kick my butt into shape.
Bike or jog to the Studio (2.23 miles each way)
Softball games 1-2 times/week
Eat a lot more whole foods and cut out the crap (like the mini Almond Joy, Twix, and Mint 3 Musketeers I had this afternoon...)

That's it so far. I'm a planner, so I know I will have to do more of a spreadsheet approach to feel like I have a solid plan. It's a bit of an obsession, to be honest.

And, my ultimate goal is to be/feel healthy. And fitting into size 6-8 pants would rock my world.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009


You may notice that my tracker just moved in the WRONG direction. Back 3 lbs. Sonofa.... It's okay. May will be a new beginning for me. I am going to make the most of Utah's beautiful weather and do a lot more outdoor working out, as well as getting back to my indoor workout. Maybe, just maybe, by the end of summer I'll have a kickin' bikini body. :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

My friends, I wanted to wish you a Happy Easter. This holiday has been fairly insignificant in my life for the past chunk of years, and that's unfortunate. There is so much more meaning to the day than a bunny and a crap-load of chocolate and candy. Boiled eggs are good, though. :) Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful day!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Need to get a Move on!!!

Last Thursday I was at 162.8, and I'm hoping tomorrow I'll be at 162 or so. Who knows, though. My eating has been pretty random, and I haven't been regularly working out. Brandi over at A Life Change: My Journey to Happiness is such an inspiration to me. She's running 6-8 miles A DAY!!! That is so amazing! I know I could get there if I put in the work, and now that the weather is (supposedly) warming up, I have a bit of an urge to get outside and start running...even if it is just 1 mile at a time. Any sort of distance that involves my running shoes and the breeze in my face is a great start by my standards!

I'm still enjoying racquetball twice a week, too. I'm hoping when Patrick and I go visit my family in Arizona in May we can play racquetball with the family. That was always a fun family tradition.

I'll post my new weight next week!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Last week's weigh-in

Before I forget to mention it....last Thursday I was back at 163. My weight has been obnoxiously inconsistent lately! I haven't done any exercising, really, so we'll see what the scale tells me this Thursday. :)

My health is pretty good...a little bit of tenderness in my knees and hips over the last week, though nothing debilitating.

My mood has been on the up! It's nice to be happy and to know that God loves me.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Interesting side note:

I can see a direct correlation between weight loss/regular exercise and my level of depression. The last 2-3 weeks have been really tough for me personally. I'm becoming more and more aware that if I would be consistent with working out, I would probably pull out of the depression much more quickly....

Good news or bad news first???

Do you want the good news or the bad news first??

I always say bad news.

Bad news: I gained a chunk of weight while the in-laws were staying with us. I didn't work out once. (I absolutely HATE doing workout videos in front of anyone, including my hubby, and I don't have a gym membership. Run outside? Well that makes sense, except it's still under 80 degrees, so my body says "no way, jose." A bunch of crap excuses? Maybe...) We ate really well, too. Patrick's dad loves to cook, and I swear he cooks for 10 people, even though there were only 4 of us. And I ate...and ate....and ate....

So, I'm back to 165.

Good news: The in-laws are gone, so life can get back to "normal." I'm shooting for 4-6 workouts per week, 2 of which are racquetball. And I've got to get a handle on eating, so I'm focusing on cutting out simple carbs. This is difficult for me, but it's the best baby step I can take right now.

Oh, and more good news....I make 165 look DAMN good. ;)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm so stoked

So my scale loves me.

This morning I weighed in at 160.6!!! That's more than the 1lb I was hoping for!

I played racquetball today, but unfortunately it was with a girl who isn't very good. I could have used a butt kicking hour. Still, it was a mild workout...and a workout, period. I'm opting to be lazy and watch LOST this afternoon instead of throwing in another workout. I just want to veg for a moment.

(160!!! Yeah!!!!)


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Out of whack!

It's amazing how not working out for a few days can throw things out of whack! Last week and this week, I've really struggled in the first half of the week. This includes working out, going to school, getting out of bed, and just feeling alive. I'm not sure what's going on. I do know, though, that working out on Wednesdays gets the rest of my week back on track.

I subscribe to Fitness Magazine, and there's a great article in the newest issue about a therapist/counselor who does fitness therapy with her clients. Nearly all of them told her that exercise helped them with the issues they were working on with her, and some of them started to ask her if they could work out during their sessions. So, she started to accommodate their requests and is doing a lot of fitness therapy sessions now. What a fabulous idea!!!!!!!

When I was going to a counselor to work through issues related to my divorce in 2006, there would very rarely be a single session where I didn't say that exercise helps me feel better about everything. EVERYTHING!

I quit working out, and it has been about 2 years of not working out and struggling to deal with issues of anxiety, depression, and feeling like I have a purpose. In the last month, I've worked out at least 3 times a week every week, I've lost a few pounds, and I'm feeling a lot better.

For me, things usually get a little worse before they get better, though. I saw this in my weight. Immediately after starting to work out, my weight spiked like 4 pounds...scared the crap out of me! But I kept persisting. I'm still working through the "getting worse" part of my personal self. Thankfully, I know that if I keep working out, that will facilitate me being able to make more progress in that area. :)

Tomorrow is my weigh-in...I hope I lost at least 1 lb this week. That's a good trend!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Whoa...that was awesome!!!

Aaaahhhh!!!! I just finished Slim in 6/Burn It Up. It's my first time doing this phase of the workout program, and let me tell kicked my ASS!!! I could be nice and say butt, but that wouldn't do any justice to the amount of sweat that is no longer part of my body. What an awesome workout.

Part of what made it a great workout is that I found a website that has put together different workout playlists that you can listen to while sweatin' it up. Here's what I listened to, and it really kept me moving:

Sweet Workout Playlist (Pop)

Oh, cute tight booty, here I come!!!!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Racquetball rocks!!!

I freaking LOVE racquetball. If I have a good partner and play my guts out, 45 fun-filled minutes will knock out 300-500 calories...depending on how hard I play. Fortunately, one of the best guys in the class is super competitive. He beats me every time we play. I love that he doesn't play easy on me...I was sooo out of breath today. And I loved every second of it.

This week's weigh-in: 162.4, down 1 lb from last week! So, I've lost 2 lbs. I wanted to lose 10 lbs in 3 weeks (which would be by next Thursday), and that isn't going to happen. While I'm a little bummed, I know that losing 1 lb a week is healthy, and if I stay consistent, it's going to pay off.

I'm so ready to lose my gut!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Kicked my butt!

I did my workout today! I did Slim in 6/Ramp It Up (minus the resistance band segment), and it really kicked my butt. I'm so excited about the new and improved body I'll have, especially smaller arms and a tighter butt. :) My biggest challenge is eating...I seriously could eat an entire cow after I work out. I know will power would take care of this......that is part of the problem, folks. :) It's a work in progress. At least I'm working out!!!

I missed yesterday, because I woke up with the same headache/migraine that accompanied me to bed the night before. Yuck. Thankfully it went away!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Week 1 Report for Alison

I played racquetball again today, but with a less competitive person, so it wasn't as great of a workout as last Thursday. It was still a lot of fun, though. I'm going to do Slim in 6 - Ramp It Up as well. Here's a couple of pictures of me before my workout. I'm cold, so I have my softball jersey on. :)

The full-body shot. Still chubby, but I look better than I have in the last year! (Fuzzy picture, sorry.)

And the "hips and above" shot. :) Here goes to an hour of workin' my butt off!!!

Also, this morning I weighed in at 163.2 lbs, which is exactly 1 lb less than last Thursday. I fluctuated quite a bit this last week, and even got up to 167.2. That freaked me out, since I've been exercising about 5 times a week.

Now I just need to get Rachael to be an author on this blog and to start checking in/posting her weekly updates. Thursday is our day! :)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Good hot sweat

I played racquetball for 1 1/2 hours today...and played HARD. It was awesome. I love having a good competitor in the court. :) I was out of breath half the time and was sweating like a pig! I was going to come home from school and do a workout, but I figured I had put in good time and great effort already.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Workout Buddy

I sat down with a good friend from work, Rachael, and came up with this plan so we can help each other get our butts into shape... (yeah for good friends!!!)

Goal: size 6/8 - lose 30-40 lbs

How: portion control
workout 5-6 times per week
FIRST weigh in on Thurs 1/29
weigh in every Thursday and report to Rachael
Drink at least 64 oz water every day
cut back on drinking to 2 times per week, 2 drinks each time

Reward: at 2 weeks: go to movie with Rachael if no more than 2 workouts were missed
at 3 weeks: if 10 lbs lost, go shopping with Rachael at Express and use 1/2 off coupons

Goal: fit into pants/not have to buy new wardrobe - lose approx 10 lb

How: portion control
workout 4-5 times per week
FIRST weigh in on Thurs 1/29
weigh in every Thursday and report to Alison
Drink at least 64 oz water every day
cut back on drinking to 2 times per week, 2 drinks each time

Reward: at 2 weeks: go to movie with Alison if no more than 2 workouts were missed
at 3 weeks: if 5 lbs lost, go shopping with Alison at Express and use 1/2 off coupons

*at 3 wks, we'll determine a new fun reward based on results. Every 2 weeks, we will go to another movie based on effort/workouts not missed.

I'm excited to have a partner to help me focus and stay motivated. Rachael is a lot smaller than me, and has a much smaller goal, but we're both focused on FITNESS rather than being skinny. So, we'll be able to keep each other moving. I'm excited to weigh in and get going tomorrow!!! We're going on a girls' cruise sometime this summer/fall, so it will be awesome to have a fit body to be able to sport a bikini. :)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Slipped off, quickly getting back on

I missed 3 days in a row!!! I have been so exhausted, I haven't even done any of my schoolwork...which is rapidly piling up. I think I may be PMSing. I'm super bloated, lethargic, a bit emotional, etc. which does nothing for my motivation to work out. :) Today I am getting back on the wagon before I severely disrupt my "routine."

Does anyone else hate working out in front of your spouse/boyfriend/anyone who isn't working out with you?? I just know that if I throw in my DVD and start working out, Patrick will comment on how I turn him on or something like that...which is totally NOT what I want to hear when my chubby body is flailing all over the room and sweating in all the intimate places. Yuck. :) Guys are so weird.

My eating habits are also completely unstable at the moment. Again, this could be part of the beautiful Aunt Flo comin' to visit. I need to work on being consistent with my choices regardless of my desire to eat the contents of the fridge, followed by the fridge.

Today, I will push play. :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Just reporting:

I did Slim & Limber and Start It Up yesterday, and I'm going to do Start It Up real quick before I have to get ready for work today. I am SOOOOOOOOO incredibly sore, but it's for a good cause. :)

This is the body I'm going to ditch!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

30 Seconds

Any time I get the chance to watch The Biggest Loser, I get super excited. I love seeing the people at the end of the season, and the extra body that just dropped off of who they really are. Every single time I watch the show, I get teary eyed...probably because I think of myself and the extra "weight" I carry with me and how it needs to go. By "weight," I am talking about fat on my body, sure, and also the emotional weight I carry. I'd be a fool if I told you there was no correlation. I think holding onto the heaviness of emotional scars, stress, anger, and judgment is very similar to holding onto an extra 30, 50, or 100 lbs. It's a process, and by no means an easy process, to rid yourself of the burdens.

So, when I watched this clip from The Biggest Loser, it gave me one of those great teary-eyed moments where I feel like I'm being the one pushed to step it up a notch. Physically and just put in the "30 seconds" required for this phase of the "workout."

P.S. I played racquetball for 45 minutes and did Start It Up/Slim in 6!!!