An old friend with whom I need to become reacquainted

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Slowly creeping down...

...the scale, that is. :)

I've been losing 1 lb a week for the last 2-3 weeks. I attribute this to pole classes and lots of stress. Hopefully the stress is being better managed (time will tell), and hopefully that doesn't result in weight gain. I'm weird - sometimes when I'm stressed and depressed, I'm a huge eater. And on the other hand, sometimes I totally lose my appetite. So, it's hard to predict what's going to happen.

I haven't been to pole classes for about a week, though. Too much crap going on in life. I'm planning on going to the Cardio Cabaret class tomorrow morning. That class always kicks my butt.

Brandi, you totally make me want to get out and start running. I'd be freaking excited to do a 5K! (and not die) Yet, I just can't find enough desire to put on my running shoes and go outside! There's even a perfect park to run around right by me. What helps people to make the initial jump (or first stride, if you will) into running??


H.E.A. said...

For me it was the fact that I can't say no to a challenge...I'm too competitive. So once I saddled up and paid my registration that was it. Oh it still took a good 3 weeks to get past the "Dear God I really hate running do I have to do it today? REally? Are you sure? Fine...." moments. But once you get past it and you start to notice how much stronger you are you start to really enjoy getting in your head and pushing through it!!

GOod luck!!!

♥ N o v a said...

Yay for weight loss!

The initial energy to get up and run is hard. Running with a partner always worked for me to get me up off my ass. It's never fun to run alone, unless you can run with some workout music to get your juices flowing.