An old friend with whom I need to become reacquainted

Monday, March 23, 2009

Last week's weigh-in

Before I forget to mention it....last Thursday I was back at 163. My weight has been obnoxiously inconsistent lately! I haven't done any exercising, really, so we'll see what the scale tells me this Thursday. :)

My health is pretty good...a little bit of tenderness in my knees and hips over the last week, though nothing debilitating.

My mood has been on the up! It's nice to be happy and to know that God loves me.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Interesting side note:

I can see a direct correlation between weight loss/regular exercise and my level of depression. The last 2-3 weeks have been really tough for me personally. I'm becoming more and more aware that if I would be consistent with working out, I would probably pull out of the depression much more quickly....

Good news or bad news first???

Do you want the good news or the bad news first??

I always say bad news.

Bad news: I gained a chunk of weight while the in-laws were staying with us. I didn't work out once. (I absolutely HATE doing workout videos in front of anyone, including my hubby, and I don't have a gym membership. Run outside? Well that makes sense, except it's still under 80 degrees, so my body says "no way, jose." A bunch of crap excuses? Maybe...) We ate really well, too. Patrick's dad loves to cook, and I swear he cooks for 10 people, even though there were only 4 of us. And I ate...and ate....and ate....

So, I'm back to 165.

Good news: The in-laws are gone, so life can get back to "normal." I'm shooting for 4-6 workouts per week, 2 of which are racquetball. And I've got to get a handle on eating, so I'm focusing on cutting out simple carbs. This is difficult for me, but it's the best baby step I can take right now.

Oh, and more good news....I make 165 look DAMN good. ;)