An old friend with whom I need to become reacquainted

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm so stoked

So my scale loves me.

This morning I weighed in at 160.6!!! That's more than the 1lb I was hoping for!

I played racquetball today, but unfortunately it was with a girl who isn't very good. I could have used a butt kicking hour. Still, it was a mild workout...and a workout, period. I'm opting to be lazy and watch LOST this afternoon instead of throwing in another workout. I just want to veg for a moment.

(160!!! Yeah!!!!)



Alice said...

Girl! Congrats on the weight loss!
Regarding being your coach, do you want to call Beachbody and see if we can switch ya?

H.E.A. said...

NICE WORK!! I'm so glad you were able to exceed your goal :)

Good work on the raquetball!