An old friend with whom I need to become reacquainted

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Good hot sweat

I played racquetball for 1 1/2 hours today...and played HARD. It was awesome. I love having a good competitor in the court. :) I was out of breath half the time and was sweating like a pig! I was going to come home from school and do a workout, but I figured I had put in good time and great effort already.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Workout Buddy

I sat down with a good friend from work, Rachael, and came up with this plan so we can help each other get our butts into shape... (yeah for good friends!!!)

Goal: size 6/8 - lose 30-40 lbs

How: portion control
workout 5-6 times per week
FIRST weigh in on Thurs 1/29
weigh in every Thursday and report to Rachael
Drink at least 64 oz water every day
cut back on drinking to 2 times per week, 2 drinks each time

Reward: at 2 weeks: go to movie with Rachael if no more than 2 workouts were missed
at 3 weeks: if 10 lbs lost, go shopping with Rachael at Express and use 1/2 off coupons

Goal: fit into pants/not have to buy new wardrobe - lose approx 10 lb

How: portion control
workout 4-5 times per week
FIRST weigh in on Thurs 1/29
weigh in every Thursday and report to Alison
Drink at least 64 oz water every day
cut back on drinking to 2 times per week, 2 drinks each time

Reward: at 2 weeks: go to movie with Alison if no more than 2 workouts were missed
at 3 weeks: if 5 lbs lost, go shopping with Alison at Express and use 1/2 off coupons

*at 3 wks, we'll determine a new fun reward based on results. Every 2 weeks, we will go to another movie based on effort/workouts not missed.

I'm excited to have a partner to help me focus and stay motivated. Rachael is a lot smaller than me, and has a much smaller goal, but we're both focused on FITNESS rather than being skinny. So, we'll be able to keep each other moving. I'm excited to weigh in and get going tomorrow!!! We're going on a girls' cruise sometime this summer/fall, so it will be awesome to have a fit body to be able to sport a bikini. :)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Slipped off, quickly getting back on

I missed 3 days in a row!!! I have been so exhausted, I haven't even done any of my schoolwork...which is rapidly piling up. I think I may be PMSing. I'm super bloated, lethargic, a bit emotional, etc. which does nothing for my motivation to work out. :) Today I am getting back on the wagon before I severely disrupt my "routine."

Does anyone else hate working out in front of your spouse/boyfriend/anyone who isn't working out with you?? I just know that if I throw in my DVD and start working out, Patrick will comment on how I turn him on or something like that...which is totally NOT what I want to hear when my chubby body is flailing all over the room and sweating in all the intimate places. Yuck. :) Guys are so weird.

My eating habits are also completely unstable at the moment. Again, this could be part of the beautiful Aunt Flo comin' to visit. I need to work on being consistent with my choices regardless of my desire to eat the contents of the fridge, followed by the fridge.

Today, I will push play. :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Just reporting:

I did Slim & Limber and Start It Up yesterday, and I'm going to do Start It Up real quick before I have to get ready for work today. I am SOOOOOOOOO incredibly sore, but it's for a good cause. :)

This is the body I'm going to ditch!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

30 Seconds

Any time I get the chance to watch The Biggest Loser, I get super excited. I love seeing the people at the end of the season, and the extra body that just dropped off of who they really are. Every single time I watch the show, I get teary eyed...probably because I think of myself and the extra "weight" I carry with me and how it needs to go. By "weight," I am talking about fat on my body, sure, and also the emotional weight I carry. I'd be a fool if I told you there was no correlation. I think holding onto the heaviness of emotional scars, stress, anger, and judgment is very similar to holding onto an extra 30, 50, or 100 lbs. It's a process, and by no means an easy process, to rid yourself of the burdens.

So, when I watched this clip from The Biggest Loser, it gave me one of those great teary-eyed moments where I feel like I'm being the one pushed to step it up a notch. Physically and just put in the "30 seconds" required for this phase of the "workout."

P.S. I played racquetball for 45 minutes and did Start It Up/Slim in 6!!!