An old friend with whom I need to become reacquainted

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Workout Buddy

I sat down with a good friend from work, Rachael, and came up with this plan so we can help each other get our butts into shape... (yeah for good friends!!!)

Goal: size 6/8 - lose 30-40 lbs

How: portion control
workout 5-6 times per week
FIRST weigh in on Thurs 1/29
weigh in every Thursday and report to Rachael
Drink at least 64 oz water every day
cut back on drinking to 2 times per week, 2 drinks each time

Reward: at 2 weeks: go to movie with Rachael if no more than 2 workouts were missed
at 3 weeks: if 10 lbs lost, go shopping with Rachael at Express and use 1/2 off coupons

Goal: fit into pants/not have to buy new wardrobe - lose approx 10 lb

How: portion control
workout 4-5 times per week
FIRST weigh in on Thurs 1/29
weigh in every Thursday and report to Alison
Drink at least 64 oz water every day
cut back on drinking to 2 times per week, 2 drinks each time

Reward: at 2 weeks: go to movie with Alison if no more than 2 workouts were missed
at 3 weeks: if 5 lbs lost, go shopping with Alison at Express and use 1/2 off coupons

*at 3 wks, we'll determine a new fun reward based on results. Every 2 weeks, we will go to another movie based on effort/workouts not missed.

I'm excited to have a partner to help me focus and stay motivated. Rachael is a lot smaller than me, and has a much smaller goal, but we're both focused on FITNESS rather than being skinny. So, we'll be able to keep each other moving. I'm excited to weigh in and get going tomorrow!!! We're going on a girls' cruise sometime this summer/fall, so it will be awesome to have a fit body to be able to sport a bikini. :)

1 comment:

H.E.A. said...

My favorite reward : MASSAGES!!

You should totally look into it :)

Great job on finding a friend to help you out. Its so nice to have the buddy system when you're working on weight loss and goal setting!