An old friend with whom I need to become reacquainted

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Good news or bad news first???

Do you want the good news or the bad news first??

I always say bad news.

Bad news: I gained a chunk of weight while the in-laws were staying with us. I didn't work out once. (I absolutely HATE doing workout videos in front of anyone, including my hubby, and I don't have a gym membership. Run outside? Well that makes sense, except it's still under 80 degrees, so my body says "no way, jose." A bunch of crap excuses? Maybe...) We ate really well, too. Patrick's dad loves to cook, and I swear he cooks for 10 people, even though there were only 4 of us. And I ate...and ate....and ate....

So, I'm back to 165.

Good news: The in-laws are gone, so life can get back to "normal." I'm shooting for 4-6 workouts per week, 2 of which are racquetball. And I've got to get a handle on eating, so I'm focusing on cutting out simple carbs. This is difficult for me, but it's the best baby step I can take right now.

Oh, and more good news....I make 165 look DAMN good. ;)

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