An old friend with whom I need to become reacquainted

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm so stoked

So my scale loves me.

This morning I weighed in at 160.6!!! That's more than the 1lb I was hoping for!

I played racquetball today, but unfortunately it was with a girl who isn't very good. I could have used a butt kicking hour. Still, it was a mild workout...and a workout, period. I'm opting to be lazy and watch LOST this afternoon instead of throwing in another workout. I just want to veg for a moment.

(160!!! Yeah!!!!)


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Out of whack!

It's amazing how not working out for a few days can throw things out of whack! Last week and this week, I've really struggled in the first half of the week. This includes working out, going to school, getting out of bed, and just feeling alive. I'm not sure what's going on. I do know, though, that working out on Wednesdays gets the rest of my week back on track.

I subscribe to Fitness Magazine, and there's a great article in the newest issue about a therapist/counselor who does fitness therapy with her clients. Nearly all of them told her that exercise helped them with the issues they were working on with her, and some of them started to ask her if they could work out during their sessions. So, she started to accommodate their requests and is doing a lot of fitness therapy sessions now. What a fabulous idea!!!!!!!

When I was going to a counselor to work through issues related to my divorce in 2006, there would very rarely be a single session where I didn't say that exercise helps me feel better about everything. EVERYTHING!

I quit working out, and it has been about 2 years of not working out and struggling to deal with issues of anxiety, depression, and feeling like I have a purpose. In the last month, I've worked out at least 3 times a week every week, I've lost a few pounds, and I'm feeling a lot better.

For me, things usually get a little worse before they get better, though. I saw this in my weight. Immediately after starting to work out, my weight spiked like 4 pounds...scared the crap out of me! But I kept persisting. I'm still working through the "getting worse" part of my personal self. Thankfully, I know that if I keep working out, that will facilitate me being able to make more progress in that area. :)

Tomorrow is my weigh-in...I hope I lost at least 1 lb this week. That's a good trend!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Whoa...that was awesome!!!

Aaaahhhh!!!! I just finished Slim in 6/Burn It Up. It's my first time doing this phase of the workout program, and let me tell kicked my ASS!!! I could be nice and say butt, but that wouldn't do any justice to the amount of sweat that is no longer part of my body. What an awesome workout.

Part of what made it a great workout is that I found a website that has put together different workout playlists that you can listen to while sweatin' it up. Here's what I listened to, and it really kept me moving:

Sweet Workout Playlist (Pop)

Oh, cute tight booty, here I come!!!!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Racquetball rocks!!!

I freaking LOVE racquetball. If I have a good partner and play my guts out, 45 fun-filled minutes will knock out 300-500 calories...depending on how hard I play. Fortunately, one of the best guys in the class is super competitive. He beats me every time we play. I love that he doesn't play easy on me...I was sooo out of breath today. And I loved every second of it.

This week's weigh-in: 162.4, down 1 lb from last week! So, I've lost 2 lbs. I wanted to lose 10 lbs in 3 weeks (which would be by next Thursday), and that isn't going to happen. While I'm a little bummed, I know that losing 1 lb a week is healthy, and if I stay consistent, it's going to pay off.

I'm so ready to lose my gut!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Kicked my butt!

I did my workout today! I did Slim in 6/Ramp It Up (minus the resistance band segment), and it really kicked my butt. I'm so excited about the new and improved body I'll have, especially smaller arms and a tighter butt. :) My biggest challenge is eating...I seriously could eat an entire cow after I work out. I know will power would take care of this......that is part of the problem, folks. :) It's a work in progress. At least I'm working out!!!

I missed yesterday, because I woke up with the same headache/migraine that accompanied me to bed the night before. Yuck. Thankfully it went away!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Week 1 Report for Alison

I played racquetball again today, but with a less competitive person, so it wasn't as great of a workout as last Thursday. It was still a lot of fun, though. I'm going to do Slim in 6 - Ramp It Up as well. Here's a couple of pictures of me before my workout. I'm cold, so I have my softball jersey on. :)

The full-body shot. Still chubby, but I look better than I have in the last year! (Fuzzy picture, sorry.)

And the "hips and above" shot. :) Here goes to an hour of workin' my butt off!!!

Also, this morning I weighed in at 163.2 lbs, which is exactly 1 lb less than last Thursday. I fluctuated quite a bit this last week, and even got up to 167.2. That freaked me out, since I've been exercising about 5 times a week.

Now I just need to get Rachael to be an author on this blog and to start checking in/posting her weekly updates. Thursday is our day! :)