An old friend with whom I need to become reacquainted

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Begin again...

It is, again, time to focus on me and my health. I had my baby girl on August 3rd, 2012. I started my pregnancy at 130 lbs and ended around 170 lbs, I think. The last month or so of pregnancy was when I gained the most and really picked up some bad "I don't care anymore" eating habits. It wasn't worth the stretch marks, that's for sure! Anyway, old habits die hard, and those bad eating habits are still alive and thriving well. I am now a few lbs shy of 200, and I hate it.

Today my sister-in-law came over to watch my baby girl for a few hours, so I actually went to the gym at our apartment complex. I did the elliptical and the bike for about 40 min, and burned 250 kcal.  It felt good to have time to myself and to sweat intentionally!

I did pretty good with eating well throughout the day (why kill a good workout??!?!), but again, old habits are a killer!

We're moving to Phoenix in the middle of November, and I have a job lined up catering with a friend. I am fired up to get into better shape before I embarrass myself at this job!

So, on the days my sis-in-law watches the baby (twice a week), I'll go work out for an hour. On the other weekdays and Saturdays, I'll do Slim-in-6. Tomorrow will be the first day back with that workout, and I'm hoping the baby will let me workout without needing to hug my legs, etc. A 14-month old is like a little puppy!!!

So, this is my new comes a healthier me! :)

(chubby-selfie en route)

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